If you are looking for residential park homes based in Yorkshire, there are numerous things you must consider to ensure you find the right residential park homes to suit your living requirements. Below we list some of the important things you should consider…

1. Location

As most residential park homes are for individuals and couples aged 50+, you may still wish to commute to your job in the city from your park home. Gateforth Park is conveniently located near York and Leeds so you will still be able to commute to work daily if you desire. Alternatively, if you have retired you will still be able to enjoy city life and then retreat to your park home.

2. Social

Many people opt to live in purpose-built retirement villages as, although they are growing older, they don’t want to lose their social life. Consider whether the park homes you are looking at have communal areas for socializing or if the village has a community feel. If you have the chance to visit a purpose-built retirement village before you commit to living there, walk around and introduce yourself to a few people to get a better sense of how social the location is.

3. Finance

As you approach or enjoy retirement, the last thing you want is to use all your savings on maintaining an expensive, inefficient property. Modular homes are not only more cost-effective to build than standard bricks and mortar building, but they can also be heated more efficiently, meaning they have lower energy bills.

If you’re interested in residential park homes for sale in North Yorkshire, contact Gateforth Park today. Our residential park homes are in a great location, cost-effective and offer many social opportunities for our residents.